Episode 36: How To Be A B+ Mom With Sarah R. Bagley

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If you’ve been a mom longer than 24 hours (or should we say 24 minutes?), you know there’s no room for perfectionism when it comes to parenting. So why do most of us still hold ourselves to unrealistic standards? In this episode, we talk with recovering perfectionist, Sarah R. Bagley, about how children have changed our “good enough” meters. We also talk about what the weight of control feels like physically, how to avoid passing the perfectionism gene to our kids, and our advice for new moms who are worried they’re not getting it right (Sarah may have made us cry with that one!). Plus, Lesley gives Ashlee a lunch box hack that’s changing her morning routine for the better.

Show Notes: 

The Coffee + Crumbs podcast is made possible thanks to the support of advertisers like PrepDish and RXBAR. You can support our show by supporting these brands. Thank you, PrepDish, for saving our sanity in the kitchen, and thank you RXBAR for helping our kids to snack healthier. Learn more at www.prepdish.com/coffee (and get two weeks totally free!) www.RxBar.com/coffee (make sure to enter the promo code "coffee").

Connect with Sarah on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Sarah’s podcast interviews with Shauna Niequist can be found here and here.

Sarah’s favorite Brene Brown books are Daring Greatly and Rising Strong.

Ashlee read Momastery's Three Rules for a Creative Life and her essay about her son’s perfectionism

Lesley loves Easy Lunch Boxes which last forever and are a great value. (Plus, they help reduce the number of plastic baggies being used.)