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moth·er | noun
a woman
by love & courage

What would you be willing to endure to become a mother? All five episodes of Making a Mother are now live!


Support Our Work

Did you know that all of the work we do at C+C is funded by our own community? Our essays, podcast, and newsletter are fully funded by our readers & listeners. Thank you for supporting women and the arts, and for coming alongside us in our mission to make mothers feel safe, known, encouraged and loved.



The Coffee + Crumbs Podcast


Mothers + Storytellers +

At the core of our space, we want mothers to feel safe, known, encouraged and loved.

We bring mothers together through stories. No clickbait, no listicles, no advice. Just honest storytelling.

Need some help re-engaging your creativity?
We’ve got a community for that.

What if you could pursue creativity alongside motherhood, for the enrichment of both experiences?

Catch up on our quarterly collections



Dear Mothers

Welcome to our new, non-advice column! Dear Mothers is radical empathy in practice & an invitation for you to become an active participant in the stories we write. This is a collection of love letters, from us to you.

Exclusively on Substack.