moth·er | noun
a woman
by love & courage
What would you be willing to endure to become a mother? All five episodes of Making a Mother are now live!
Support Our Work
Did you know that all of the work we do at C+C is funded by our own community? Our essays, podcast, and newsletter are fully funded by our readers & listeners. Thank you for supporting women and the arts, and for coming alongside us in our mission to make mothers feel safe, known, encouraged and loved.
The Coffee + Crumbs Podcast
Need some help re-engaging your creativity?
We’ve got a community for that.
What if you could pursue creativity alongside motherhood, for the enrichment of both experiences?
Catch up on our quarterly collections
Dear Mothers
Welcome to our new, non-advice column! Dear Mothers is radical empathy in practice & an invitation for you to become an active participant in the stories we write. This is a collection of love letters, from us to you.
Exclusively on Substack.