This is How We Do: Organization & Systems


Calling all Monica Gellers! From family schedules and laundry to email and to-do lists—today we’re sharing the organizational tips and systems that keep our homes running (relatively?) smoothly. In this episode, April shares a smart hack for managing mail (tip: don’t let it enter the house!), Ashlee passionately discusses her cutthroat approach to clutter, and Indi is mostly just here to listen and learn. Whether you geek out over a pretty color-coded calendar like April or keep your entire family’s schedule in your head like Ashlee, we hope this conversation makes you smile and possibly inspires you to finally tackle that one system in your house that isn’t working.

Show Notes

Thank you to our episode sponsors: 

Grove Collaborative provides eco-friendly and non-toxic home care products. They make it easy to discover the best products for your family and your home and help make sure you never run out of your favorites. Our listeners will get a $30 fall themed Mrs. Meyer’s gift set for free, a free 60 day VIP membership AND a bonus gift when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more. Visit to get started today!

Ashlee traded bowls of cereal for Hello Fresh’s easy, delicious dinners this month, and we think you’ll love this meal kit delivery subscription too! Get a total of $60 off your order when you visit and use promo code coffeeandcrumbs60

Mentioned in this episode:

Indiana has tried a bullet journal, a Kikki K planner , and is currently using a May Designs paper planner.

Things that help us stay organized: Google Keep,, and an upgraded Gmail.

April loves Emily Ley!

Kon Marie & The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Article: What You Can And Can’t Down Your Garbage Disposal (via Pop Sugar)

Book Ashlee loved: The Joy of Less by Francine Jay

Rifle Paper & Co: the prettiest paper calendar and meal planning notepad

Promptly Journals

Previous episodes: TIHWD Meal Planning, TIHWD Marital Communication, Preserving Our Memories (And Our Sanity)

Show credits: 

Hosted by Indiana Adams, Ashlee Gadd, and April Hoss, produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings.

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