This is How We Do: Back to School


While we may still be hitting the pool daily and enjoying ice cream all-too-frequently, we can almost hear the school bus rambling around the corner. Today we’re talking about all things back to school: packed lunches, first day of school traditions, the carpool situation, and more! Plus, April shares some tips for getting off to a great start with your child’s teacher and it does NOT involve a mason jar (phew!). We also come up with a million dollar business idea so if you’d like to take MUber to Shark Tank on our behalf, please be our guest.

Show Notes

Thank you to our episode sponsors: 

Getting a FabFitFun box is the BEST THING EVER! FabFitFun is a seasonal box with full­ size beauty, fitness and lifestyle products, valued at over $200. Visit Fabfitfun and use code COFFEEANDCRUMBS to snag one today for just $39.99.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Our idea for "MUber" (Uber for moms) does exist! In San Francisco and Los Angeles, you can use Zūm or Hop Skip Ride (which is also in Denver). In North Carolina, you can use GoKart.

Indiana and Katie both use Classical Conversations for homeschool. April and Katie rely on The Well-Trained Mind.

Back in the day, Indiana tried to be "that mom" with Jude's lunches.

April suggested that parents take the time to introduce themselves to the teacher and give a card with contact info. Minted makes pretty "mommy calling cards" that you can use for this and to pass out to other moms for future playdates! 

Sweet tradition: drawing a heart on your child's hand on the first day of school. Ashlee learned about this from her friend Kate Baer and has done it two years running now (1, 2). 

Smiley face cookies from Smith's Bakery in Bakersfield was the best first day of school tradition for April.

Share your latest mom victory with us! We'd love to share some of these stories with our community. Download the Voxer app (it's like a walkie talkie) and leave a message for coffeeandcrumbs and we may play it in a future episode for our new "Slow Claps" segment!  


Also hate packing school lunches? If you live in Boston, Red Apple Lunch will pack and deliver healthy kids lunches to you. ("Please come to Atlanta!" begs Indiana).

Video (Language advisory!): Mom’s Viral Rant Goes Out To Parents Who Complain About Buying School Supplies

Related Coffee + Crumbs Essays:  The Words That Matter Most | A Walk To School | Hi Honey How Was Your Day | Drop Offs Are Hard |  The End of An Era

Show credits: 

Hosted by Indiana Adams, Ashlee Gadd, and April Hoss, produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings.

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