Episode 05: Climbing mountains with Suzy Krause

The road to motherhood isn’t always easy. In fact, one in eight couples struggle with infertility. In this episode, April and Lesley interview regular Coffee + Crumbs writer, Suzy Krause, about her pregnancy story. Suzy talks about how Mother’s Day can be an especially difficult holiday, the role social media can play in the painful waiting game, and what to say (and not to say) to a friend trying to get pregnant.  

Show Notes

Host: Lesley Miller
Co-Host: April Hoss
Guest: Suzy KrauseBlog Instagram Twitter Facebook


April’s fantastic idea: serve your children new foods in waffle bowls


Suzy’s essays, Climbing Mountains and What to Say to a Grieving Mom

Stuff Your Mom Never Told You Podcast: Infertility’s Global Stigma

In this episode we talked about how those of us with children can be more sensitive to women going through infertility. Please leave us a comment! What are encouraging words that people can say? What are ways we can use social media intentionally and lovingly without hurting women waiting for babies?