When I Grow Up I Want to Be Just Like My Nieces

By Michelle Windsor

cover myself in glitter 
worship in the church of unicorns

protest the existence of clothes 
run barefoot in the snow

tell you when you make me mad 

but also your hair is beautiful 
and I love your shirt 

wear my innocence 

and joy and strength 
as jewels in my crown 

and when they steal
the first one from me 

I will add diamonds of courage
climb higher on my throne 

and live like the queen I am


Guest poetry by Michelle Windsor. Michelle is a full-time thinker, part-time writer who writes poems because an essay doesn’t fit on a shower wall. She is the creator of Part-Time Poets, lead author of a poetry anthology, In Which I Try to Save the World, and has been published in Coffee + Crumbs. Other titles in her email signature include: Boy Mom, Sunset Collector, Elder Millennial Entering Her Plant Lady Phase. She sporadically shares her poems on Substack and Instagram.

Photo by Jennifer Floyd.