Seen, Appreciated, Loved: A Mother's Day Gift Guide


True story: this year, all of the Coffee + Crumbs writers are buying each other Mother's Day gifts, Secret-Santa style. Yep, we're taking a page straight from the Galentine's Day playbook and turning a day rife with expectation and possible disappointment into a chance to celebrate each other. We will smile benignly through that giant, whole-family-brunch-in-a-restaurant-while-our-non-restaurant-appropriate-children-wreak-havoc because it's fine. We've got each other's backs (we also got each other chocolates, face masks, candles, and journals).

This is not an indictment of our husbands and their gift-giving prowess (or lack thereof). After all, the way to our hearts is really quite simple, and it's not lined with expensive gifts or trinkets. At its core, Mother's Day is just an opportunity to say three things to the moms in our lives: I see you, I appreciate you, and I love you. This year, we're going to be telling each other that, so whether the rest of the day is Hallmark-card-perfect or a dumpster fire or somewhere in between, it doesn't matter. We've been seen, appreciated, and loved.

We might still email this link to each other's husbands, though. A pretty gift never hurt. 

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