Coffee + Crumbs

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The Year of Creativity - Summer Enrollment!

The sun is shining, our kiddos are almost done with school, and we're about to bust out the (store bought, always) popsicles. That's right. It's summertime! And because summer often begs us to slow down a bit, we thought this would be the perfect time to re-invite you to join The Year of Creativity. In case you're new around here, in January we launched a self-paced online course we affectionately refer to as YOC. You can read all about it here

In only five short months, members in our group have been published on Scary Mommy, Mothers Always Write, Holl & Lane, Upwrite Magazine, Coffee + Crumbs, Tribe Magazine, Hello Dearest, The Village Magazine, Sammiches & Psych Meds,, Motherly, Life As Mama, Anchored Voices, Adoptive Families, and more. They've launched personal blogs and painted pictures; some of them have written poems, children's books, and even finished a food memoir (!). 

But perhaps even better than that, a lot of our members have become friends. They've set up their own Slack channel to give feedback on each other's work, and some of our YOC girls who live in close proximity have even met up in real life (so fun!).

The best part about this group? There's still plenty of room for you. We're already five months in, but the second you join, you get access to 100% of the material. You can hop right in at June, and catch up on the rest of the content whenever you have time. YOC is self-paced and meant to be approached with a heap of grace. We know you've got kids and jobs and crazy schedules and ridiculous piles of laundry to do. We know that because we have all of those things, too. What you'll find in YOC is a community of women who are determined to pursue creativity in the midst of the chaos, right alongside you. This is basically a loyal group of cheerleaders, with the C+C team at the bottom of the pyramid laying a safe foundation for you. 

More than 100 women are working through this content each month, and this is what a few of them had to say about YOC:

  • The Year of Creativity has fundamentally altered the course of my writing in the best possible way. For the first time, I feel like I am living a creative life instead of just producing content, and my writing has taken on a new depth as a result (not to mention new enjoyment for me!). The best part, though, is the community I've found among other women who are walking this beautiful road of mothering and creating together. - Brittany
  • Participating in YOC has changed the creative course of my life forever! I was so empowered by my own voice, and my personal story to share - that I felt compelled to launch a new website. I'm now co-founder and co-owner of the number one parenting resource website in my community! - Daniella
  • I've gone from feeling like an imposter to feeling like a writer. No, I haven't written a bestseller or picked up an agent or earned much money writing, but through the content I'm studying, the routines I am learning to set, and the supportive group of creative women, YOC has taken me from someone who daydreamed about writing to someone who actually does write. - Lorren
  • At the end of last year, I felt God nudging me to start writing and to get creativity back into my life. As a working mother, I had no idea where I would find the time or the inspiration. A friend passed along YOC and instantly I knew this was meant for me. Since the year kicked off, I have eagerly awaited the start of each month to dive into a whole new theme of content. It is true what they say about the birthing of a passion -- no matter how exhausted I feel, I stay up late devouring the content. - Katie

  • I have gained a new outlook on who I am not only as a mother, but also as a writer. I have learned that I have stories to tell and people to encourage, and I would not have come to this on my own had it not been for the ladies who poured their hearts into the YOC curriculum. I promise you it is worth the risk. - Stephanie


If any part of your heart is whispering, "I need this" - we hope you say yes to this invitation!

This is the last time we're pushing YOC registration this year, and because of that, we're offering a HUGE SALE. For the next ten days, you can get the entire Year of Creativity for $199 (compared to $279!). This is it, folks! It's now or never. We don't want you to have FOMO for the rest of 2017. 

Still have questions? Check out our FAQ page, or feel free to e-mail us at hello @ Sale ends at midnight on June 10th, and then we're closing registration for the year.

p.s. Ashlee is going to be doing some Instagram stories later today showing you the inside of YOC if you need a behind-the-scenes peek before committing. Follow us on Instagram to see that!