Coffee + Crumbs

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Coffee + Crumbs 2.0!

Hello and happy Monday, mommas! We'd like to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a quick announcement: Coffee + Crumbs got a much-needed makeover! (If you're reading this on your phone you probably won't notice a significant difference, so head to a real computer for the full effect.)

Our new and improved look features everything you've always loved about C+C -- clean, simple, beautiful and minimal design -- plus a few extras, like a fancy new sidebar. As much as we loved our old look, a lot of our content was buried deep down in the site, making it nearly impossible to find. We're hoping to use our new right sidebar to feature some of our past writing, promote our shop, and overall make our site easier to navigate. 

So take a look around, make yourself comfortable, and by all means, be sure to tell us if something isn't working properly! 

A huge thank you to Vanessa from Noirve for making our design dreams come true, and an extra special thank you to Brett Gadd for working all weekend coding and template hacking behind the scenes!

How about a giveaway to celebrate? We're giving away THREE of our New Mom Card Packs this week; enter below and we'll choose three winners on Friday. We want to pick your brain about a few things so there are a lot of ways to enter! Good luck!


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